Liverbase v2.0
¡¡Database for liver-related genes , proteins and diseases
Liverbase 2.0
Liverbase 1.0


  The aim of this database is to provide a comprehensive list of human liver proteins. Liverbase are integrated and accessible via search tools and links. They integrates informations about liver. They summarize results from proteome /transcriptome expression profiling, the metabolic network and cellular localization studies from Human Liver Proteome Project (HLPP).

  • First insight into human liver proteome from PROTEOMESKY-LIVERHu 2.0, a publicly-available database. J Proteome Res. 2010, 9: 79-94.
  • Liverbase: a comprehensive view of human liver biology. J Proteome Res. 2010, 9: 50-8.

    Last updated on: 12th March 2012 version 2.0
    Beijing Proteome Research Center
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